
Find here the latest publications on fNIRS using our MedelOpt systems.

We also set up a list of interesting publications on general fNIRS technical topics that can help you in your research.

Latest Research with MedelOpt


Piau, C., Mahmoudzadeh, M., Kibleur, A., Polosan, M., David, O., & Wallois, F. (2021). Cortical hemodynamic mechanisms of reversal learning using high-resolution functional near-infrared spectroscopy: A pilot study. Neurophysiologie clinique, 51(5), 409-424. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucli.2021.08.001

Oral Presentations (based on Abstract, with Selection Committee)

Patil, N., et al., A new platform for high density hybrid diffuse optical tomography and electroencephalography in neonates; the TinyBrains system., VIII Biennial Meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (SfNIRS), 2024

Poster Presentations (based on Abstract, with Selection Committee)

Mullier, Emeline, Guérin, Ségolène M. R., Larrouquère, Jérémy, Delevoye-Turrell, Yvonne N., & Vincent, Marion A. (2022). Physiological Contamination and Headset Stability during Whole-body Movements: Validation of the MedelOpt® fNIRS System. [Poster presentation] fNIRS 2022, Boston, US. Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7096160 


Lachaud, L. (2024). From affective action-effect prediction to voluntary movement’s organization [Doctoral dissertation, University of Nanterre]. Search engine for French theses.

Methodology in fNIRS

More to come.